Teaching finance at liberal arts colleges

The Economics Department at Wesleyan University is pleased to host the first Association for the Advancements of Liberal Arts Colleges (AALAC) conference on the theme of teaching finance, or financial economics, at liberal arts colleges. The conference will be held July 21-23, 2015 in Middletown, CT.

  • Registrations will be accepted until June 1, 2015.  Registrations from representatives of AALAC institutions will be accepted until June 1st or the AALAC travel budget to cover attendance is exhausted, whichever comes first. We have the funds to cover travel expenses for about 20 representatives of AALAC institutions. Of course, if total travel expenses are lower than budgeted, then we will happily pick up the costs of additional attendees.  Registrations from representatives of non-AALAC institutions will be accepted until June 1st.
  • We expect to include roughly a dozen paper presentations in the conference schedule. If you’d like to present your paper at the conference, please submit the paper to aalacfinance at gmail dot com no later than June 1, 2015.  Priority will be given to junior (pre-tenure) faculty.

Further information about the conference can be found on the various links to the left: registration, schedule, transportation and directions, campus map, and lodging information.

The lead organizers are Abigail Hornstein (ahornstein at wesleyan dot edu), Liang Ding (ding at macalester dot edu), and Michelle Zemel (michelle dot zemel at pomona dot edu).